Here is a collection of ROMs I dumped a long time ago.
Rather then just letting them rot, I decided to post them here.
Some of these I am not even sure what they are, but of note are:
Roms from an 8086 based Altos "mini" computer.
An Apple II Plus.
A B215a ISA floppy disk controller
Several character generator ROMs
Several Video card ROMS
Several IBM PC clone roms
A modified Kaypro 2000 BIOS ROM that skipped the lengthy RAM check for
faster booting.
A Hero-1 robot rom
Several hard disk controller ROMs.
A 286 Phoenix BIOS rom modified to work with several hard disks not in
the original disk parameter list.
A TI-99/4A Millers Graphics CorComp 9900 disk controller ROM
Epson MX-80 TI-99/4 Impact Printer with Graftrax ROMs:
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